The ultimate my opinion. The Zundapp KS800. Four cylinder flathead engine. Manual hand shift. An Art Deco work of art.

The KS600 Hand shift. This bike has the same foot lever / linkage as the KS601 but also utilized a hand shifter along the tank.

While the engine cylinders soak I've been scrounging up a few misc. parts via the Internet.
Found this 50's NOS 6 Volt horn over in Greece for cheap. Not a KS601 original but the price sure was right. It is around 3.5" diameter so should fit where the original lived. I'll need to bury it in the backyard for a few months so it matches the rest of the bike.

My gas cap is dented up pretty good....this original KS cap has a few less dents. It was a $5.00 purchase.

My KS has one "ball tip" lever and one short spear type lever. I bought the shorter of the two here so I have a matching duo.

Someone in the past has hacked up my linkage. It still functions but the proper pins were missing and the linkage pieces had been split. This replacement linkage is the most expensive item on the page.....but this will get things back in order. The KS600 had both a foot shift and a hand shift lever. They ran a rod from the right side linkage up to a tank side hand lever. Maybe I'll copy that design and rig up a hand lever. I think that would be cool.

One proper Bing carb screw to replace a BMW idle screw which was improperly fitted.

These are the proper pins needed to affix the new shifter linkages.

I'm missing the front upper fender brace. This brace comes with a nasty old "bobbed" fender. I'll remove the brace and refit it to my fender. I do have some old school aluminum fender struts but preferred the original ones.
This is a clutch linkage tensioning spring. My clutch / brake cables are shot. I found an outfit that supplies cable kits which allow the builder to manufacturer their own cables...I'll give it a shot.
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